Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Carrol Beams ---- PUBLIC RV THURSDAY

Good morning, and a Great week.

           (1) Last night Bonny and Lew had to fly to Reno
               to sign final release and immediate deliveries.

           (2) Ben Fulford. said Mr. big Pres. will do a big
               announcement on the 4th. It will be shocking.

           (3) All deliveries for America and RVs this week plus
               some important Announcements.

           (4) America this week, world next week, big announcements
               and stepping down July 4 th.




Anonymous said...

Great that good news, thanks for keeping us informed, and may God spare us all always

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why people tell lies like this. They must be on a major ego trip. They know nothing - they just think they do.

Anonymous said...

Good rumors.

Anonymous said...

Announcement on the 4th? 4th of July? Coincidence or by design?

Anonymous said...

Actually, Fulford said Obama MAY say something and that at this time is was 100% a rumor. As for the RV on Thurs, I have a towel for Carol Beams. So she can wipe the egg off of her face Friday morning.

Anonymous said...

yea and the moons made of cheese.

Dan said...

“RUMOR - Federal Reserve was signed off and assets transferred to Republic Treasury yesterday. IRS collection services have been terminated.”
My bank usually garnishes the IRS collection on the 15th, but it won't be till Monday the 17th this month.
But will the bank be Notified by the IRS right NOW that ALL Collection Actions are to be Halted?
Or are we to wait for Obama to make this public on the 4th, in which he may comply with the Bilderberg Group and then maybe call for his own dictatorship?
Are We The People to WAIT till the 4th for Obama to make the announcement to the employers that the Withholding Tax is Unconstitutional and ILLEGAL, as I saw that the temporary mandatory law, Current Tax Payment Act of 1943, was repealed 2 years later?
Maybe We The People need to look at this law as it makes the Income Tax Mandatory just like the Compliance of THE UNITED STATES, INC. Mandatory by the Act of 1871!

Anonymous said...

Here is exactly what Benjamin Fulford said...

"The Chinese also understand Obama might soon be stepping down as part of the ongoing regime change in the US. Obama is supposed to be making some big confessions to the American people on July 4th, according to a CIA source. His reputation in the history books will depend on whether he finally tells the truth about his past and the non-democratic process that put him in the presidency.

Anonymous said...

Rumor- Both Bushes and Clinton and Obama along with Kissinger are forming a boy band with a U.S. Tour this summer. I can't reveal anything else from my sources but wait for 24hrs for the big email to drop about their Tour.

Rela 1339 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

God does not exist he was created by them to instil fear and control over us. There is only on true infinite creator and it is with us all at all times as it is us.....

Anonymous said...

That is July 4th 2012 as predicted by Drake... Or was that July 4th 2011 as predicted by Tim Turner... Or was it July 4th 2010 predicted by The Restore America Plan...

Anonymous said...

Hope just 1/4 of this is true.

Anonymous said...

RV ...Civil Unrest.....etc etc

what does it all mean to the average Joe with no know the hard working American with a Mortgage, school loans, and credit card bills

If RV / basil III banking only benefits folks with Dinars then 99 % of the rest of us are SOL s usual......where does it say in writing the Average person on earth is no longer in debt to anyone.... no that would be news .... i am positive no one gives a sheeet about gurus who got millions of dinars and trying to make a killing on an RV / market shift....also i am sure no one want to hear don't worry is complicated just pray for the is earned...not given or to be understood

Anonymous said...

You have not done your research. Have you been asleep for the last 20 years or just not paying attention. For God sake READ, RESEARCH, and RELECT. The information is there for anyone to find it. Start with David Icke's books. He lists all his sources for anyone to do their own research and he encourages people to do so. There are tons of books, artcles, DVDs, etc. written by people highly qualified to comment. This is the reality we face: When a well packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the mases over generations, the truth will seem preposterous and its speaker a raving lunetic. Nothing is what we have been told it is and that fact is being made known day after day. Get out of the conditioned thinking box where the PTB want and open your mind please!

Anonymous said...


Look at it his way, I'd rather have God and don't need Him that to need Him and don't have Him. It is like buying car and home owners insurance. Do you carry insurance?

Anonymous said...

Green cheese for sure . . . . .

Anonymous said...

nothing but rumors/innuendos. how many times have the PPs &F&Ps been delivered? the RV is always tomorrow. been hearing that since jan 2013. lots of gurus hyping their dinar/dong. dinar rumored to rv at $11.86 yesterday, now that's changed to $3.47. dong was at $2.20 & now at 47cents. seems like Alt news sites provide more disinfo/propaganda/lies, than the whore MSM!
it all sounds great, now bring it & quit hyping the dinar.

Anonymous said...

"... where does it say in writing the Average person on earth is no longer in debt to anyone...."?? Answer: page 2 @ end, specifically. Additionally, : “Debt” is the LIE keeping us in bondage to “world system”. The Key for me was learning TRUTH: In Lord’s prayer the word for “sin” is sometimes translated “debt” or “trespass”; Forgive us our debts (sins, trespasses), as we forgive …. Jesus (Y’shua, Messiah, Savior) lived, died, & rose victorious to set believers FREE from the power of sin, debt, bondage in our lives; Jubilee is His concept… … Upon the cross, Yeshua’s final words: “IT IS FINISHED!” Provision of Freedom from ALL bondage: sin, death, lack, debt, trespass…. Firstborn among many, eternally, for those who choose His Way … I AM the way, the truth, and the life (light); no one comes unto the Father except through Me. John 14:6
“debt” is in deed a “man-made travesty”!! Jubilee and redemption are both God’s ideas, as is freedom (vs. slavery), truth & justice.

Now that banks and “governments” worldwide have been foreclosed upon, by their own agreement, we have a “whole new world” emerging where each is responsible and liable for any harm done another live man/ woman/ child, with no “corporate immunity”, back to common law. Any who’ve not yet checked this out; I found this article most helpful and concise with little-known history explanation:
“Ever since money came into existence, it has been used as a tool to represent the true value of the Human Being.
The true value [intrinsic value] of Human Beings can't be equated to a number, or to any amount of cash.
Money has been inserted between the Creator and The Created {Idol, imo}, and has been used to manufacture a system whereby Human Beings have become slaves to money, and the Money Masters {Babylon system, imo}. What the OPPT filings [back in 2012] achieved, was to expose the slavery system, and to effectively neutralize it. {PTL!! Halleluyah!!}
The so-called I / UV Exchange will be shortly launched, THE game-changer, imo. Each person on the planet will now have the opportunity to connect with an online system that offers them [much]... This iPage will replace all the existing online mechanisms for communications / interactions, or for purchasing.... entirely free of any government or alphabet-agency oversight; it will have an ability to be entirely personalised to your own specifications; it will contain individual access codes that are uniquely yours, so that nobody else can use your page, not even the software writers.
I know this sounds too good to be true..... the existing banking system, along with all associated structures and mechanisms, will collapse as soon as this iPage is released…. But, if we are to think about the implications of this new technology, it will actually have the effect of eradicating the need for money…”

This is a system I can support and wish to participate in and promote by bringing it to people’s attention as a new choice. Seems it may be available as soon as June in some modalities, with more coming. Very exciting time to BE LIVE BEings DOing what we’re created for… to Honor & glorify Creator by reflecting His Spirit within. 7freemom

Anonymous said...

Full of crap again atheist fool Brandon. I know God and I don't live in fear at all!

Anonymous said...

More OPPT bull. All of that sounds exactly like the end times AntiChrist and the system to come into place. Crap like that better not happen soon, I will be po'd lol.

Anonymous said...

You are not too free are you 7 mom. Quoting scripture and buying into new age demonic ideology is foolish indeed. No freedom with OPPT,,,, just another form of a slavery system.

TheGateKeeper said...

You know...if i remember correctly, last 4th of July, DRAKE was spouting off how the cavalry was coming and to sit back and watch the fire works as the military starts kicking ass and taking names. NOTHING HAPPENED!!! The old sister chasing hillbilly crawfished after the 4th of July came and went. To this very day, he is still somewhere in the back woods of Florida rambling twice a week how he is in contact with TOP MILITARY BRASS & of course lets not forget the ETs that fly into the LZ "landing zone" that he has cleared in his back yard to give him updates. Bottom line......this is the same hype that is being spread that they spread last year and the year before that. I want this to happen as much as everyone else does. They have been trying to arrest those horndogs in Washington sense Noah beached his ark and jumped ship. I still see chemtrails, Barry signing one executive order right after another to strip us of everything and turn us into a Musilm nation. Rogue politicians that will sell out their own mother for a reward to fatten their already fat back account. You got Obama loving GOV RICK SCOTT in Floria arresting Sheriff Finch for doing what is right and the American way. All i see getting in trouble and put under the spot light is small fry crooks. And all they are getting is a swat on the hand and send home with PAY. Where are the big fish WHALES wrecking and robbing this country blind that supposed to be scared and backed into a corner ready to sing like birds if we give them mercy? I tell ya where they are....they are still in power doing what they have always done and they mock us as they walk around laughing knowing that NO ONE, not even the military can touch them or the money they stole from us. Its business as usual in Corporate USA. A US Bar Certified Lawyer is a servant of the Queen of England. They take an Oath to the QUEEN. Look it up folks! The hidden 13th Amendment says they cannot hold a political office in the Republic USA. Thats why they hide the 13th amendment from us all these years. Congress, Washington, & our courts are infested with lawyers & judges that have took an Oath to the Queen. They couldnt kick our ass from the outside in. So England had to infiltrate us from the inside out. It took the over 200 years to get their goons in place to strip us of our freedom that our for fathers fought so hard for. Getting rid of the Constitution assures victory for them. The Queen wants America back. Did you folks know that 65% of taxes we pay go to the Queen? Thanks to the Judges and Lawyers here in Congress USA Corp. They make the laws we follow. Get it now? I pray we all wake. Need to shit or get off the pot and let someone that has the nuggets to tell the Queen and her goons......OFF WITH YOU HEAD !!!!

Unknown said...

I am not an atheist I believe in source. If you beleive in god then you believe in source just in a different perspective then what I do. Source would be what you call god no need to label me something I am not.

donald wayne said...

I'm an average Joe.

I've worked hard all of my life. Actually risked my life in the performance of my trade. Why? Cause if you are an average Joe who wants to make more than minimum wage you have to jobs that most people won't do.

My house is paid for. My cars are fairly new and paid for. I have no credit card bills or screwal loans. When I want something, if I have the cash, I buy it.

And, I have dinar. I think of it as I did the gas wells I've invested in. Invest no more than I can afford to walk away from. I've had dry holes and I've had producers.

If you're SOL, who's fault is that? You are an American, after all.

If you want something most people don't have, you have to be willing to do things most people won't do.

Or, just shut up you fucking cry baby.

Anonymous said...

It is nice that you hide behind "Anonymous", so that if Carol Beams is right, then you do not have to wipe egg off of your own face. She makes her identity known in her assertions ... but, you do not. I guess that says it all. Signed, "Anonymous"

Anonymous said...

duh....................SINCE THE 15TH was on would always fall the following Monday....The IRS isn't going anywhere...they are getting bigger, much bigger...use your head...And neither is BIG O....

Anonymous said...

well, it's july 11 today based on my calendar - or maybe I am in parallel universe - WTF is she talking here