Friday, June 14, 2013

Dinar Rumors - 6-14-13


[morethanready] Hey everyone …We possibly are about to have a huge night on our hands

[morethanready] Lets see how it plays out

[monkeyman] morethanready what makes you say that

[morethanready] Just got intel this is the big time

[morethanready] From what i am hearing this is a huggeee night for us

[morethanready] We wait and see finallyyyy

[oilerfan] I hope you are right Hun that will be fantastic but why tonite what are the signs

[morethanready] I wish i can tell u but i cant i'm sorry but its huge

[mikivi] morethanready so still looking very good for this week...
[morethanready] Better than ever darlin

[morethanready] How is everyone tonight

[faithworks2] morethanready--Anxiously awaiting good news.

[Lady Sarah] morethanready not much of tonight left here lol

[mikivi] morethanready we were a bit "down" but with your intel...we are great shape

[morethanready] Dont get down we are there all

[homesickjones] Morethanready we hope your right

[oilerfan] Morethanready so will hear anything before morning on the east coast

 [morethanready] Could be anytime but guys we are there

[smitty76] morethanready Did you also get intel about a rate?

[morethanready] smitty76 smitty76 as far as i heard 11.86 and 2.20 on the dong

[morethanready] We are al going to be blessed no matter what

[smitty76] morethanready COOL !!!

[monkeyman] im sorry but we been there too many times for me to get excited but dont get me wrong im ready

[morethanready] monkeyman i feel you i do


[morethanready] I have never ever seen the news this good ever

 [morethanready] We are in the midst of history big time

 [smitty76] morethanready Jester at the castle said similar stuff as well

[beach] morethanready I have aways said that. history history

[morethanready] THANKS

[morethanready] Big time history

[mikivi] morethanready banana2 woohoo1 YES..WE ARE GOING TO THE BANK...soon..this week (((PRAYING)))

[morethanready] mikivi never been this excited ever in this

[oilerfan] Man I hope so I do not need hopium I need facts I trust this is finally it one heck of a long ride many many ups and downs

[morethanready] Too m,any ups and downs

[morethanready] We have been through so much for so long thank goodness for the chinese

morethanready] We would be nowehre without them

[morethanready] FOR REAL

[homesickjones] Morethanready theres only one day left in this week

[morethanready] homesickjones I KNOW DARLIN

[morethanready] We are good to go

[morethanready] We are good to go

[morethanready] Remember the un has 2 days of huge meetings on iraq

 [morethanready] Tomorrow and Saturday

[morethanready] They have to rv to really be lifted out of 7 totally

[oilerfan] That is true but why tonite

[morethanready] oilerfan all works together

 [Lady Sarah] well it is morning in the sand box already, does that even matter anymore?

 [morethanready] Lady Sarah yes it does most r'vs happen on fridays

 [jw250] Moethanready is there some document that states they must RV first

 [morethanready] jw250 i belive there is

[morethanready] We still have to remember .. This is still iraqs currency ..It all goes together

 [jw250] I have heard that, but never been able to prove it myself. Hope it's correct

 [mikivi] morethanready so we could wake up much richer..then we will have some "chinese" in the evening party1

[morethanready] mikivi lol yep

[morethanready] Lets pray this is it

[arizona49] oilerfan that is right buddy... day or nite, in the blink of an eye party1

[Lady Sarah] if this does pop tomorrow, I will take my kids out to chinese kitchen ,, the love it

[morethanready] This country has done nothing to prepare for this rv

[morethanready] Its amazing

[morethanready] All these years

[morethanready] Thats why china had to come in and get us out of this mess

 [oilerfan] Exactly hard to believe right

 [morethanready] oilerfan its shameful

[morethanready] If there is any consolation in the waiting guys …The payoff is going to be big....We are all meant to be in this

[smitty76] morethanready we appreciate it

[morethanready] smitty76 yw just take ur time and do what is best please weigh all ur options

[Blessednready] morethanready Thank you for the encouraging news.


[pmscott55] can someone explain the 40 trillion and obama

 [skysthelimit] He tried to move funds

[pmscott55] funds from where to where

[monster] monkeyman someone has said that O tried to move 40T and some folks got a little .......mad...

[skysthelimit] Yep china

laheisland] monster Well I didn't get any.. so I'm mad too....

[TXSolar] lakeisland What did O do with the 40T situation?

[lakeisland] TXSolar Well, All I know is that he didn't put any in MY account...

 [ungawa] TXSolar got caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

 [TXSolar] lakeisland Mine either...was it for his personal use or the USG?

[lakeisland] Not sure.. I am going to do some research and see.... will let you know.

[ungawa] TXSolar evidently was called out by the Chinese.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Harleyman ...... Just wondering why has no body in the know brok the news to the Public ??????? when i break the law i go to jail !Has Law & Justice got any back bone at all ?