Friday, June 14, 2013

Glenn Beck; NSA Used to Blackmail Chief Justice Roberts for Obamacare? Alternative

Glenn Beck; NSA Used to Blackmail Chief Justice Roberts for Obamacare?


Anonymous said...

So where is the big announcement? It figures. soooo tired of it. If Obama care is implemented completely next year we are F*CK*D. MAKE THE ANNOUNCEMENT ALREADY.

Dan said...

Glen Beck CAN NOT be kept at his word!
His threat of; “Glenn Beck threatens reveal that will take down “the whole power structure”,” has NOT come out in even 48 hours.
Maybe the Cabal has gotten to him too.
If things are NOT going to be changed back to the Republic, then it is likely going to be that Obama will comply with Lucifer and Mandate ALL Americans to become Muslim or DIE, then we CAN NOT ALLOW that to Happen!!!
ALL the Christians that would approve that it is in our best interest to support Obamacare and then support becoming a Muslim then they are truly NOT Christian.

Anonymous said...

The article at the beforeitsnews web site is dated June 12. In the "Glen Beck Arriving in NYC..." video, Glen says the night before, that would be June 12th, the cable industry guys met with the movers and shakers in Washington DC.

Tusense96761 said...

are you kidding, Obama blackmailing Justice Roberts to make Obamacare constitutional is it the end over, the American people will not stand for a president blackmailing a Supreme Court Justice. Because this is Obamacare we are talking about Obama can't hide on this one. He is gone , done , over. He needs to resign immediately and so should Roberts.