Tuesday, June 25, 2013





      I have had two sources tried to assert to me that the U.S. Constitution grants no legal authority to impeach the President of America. Article II Section 5: "In case of the removal of the President from office (called impeachment), Congress may then declare (whom they want) to be President of America." Back then before Amendment XXV which updates how a President may be removed from office (by understood impeachment authority of the U.S. Constitution), Congress once removing a claimed President from office, they could have picked John Doe walking the streets of America and declared him President of America until the next election if they wanted to!
       But with all the embarrassment of NSA getting caught spying on all Americans in America as to their phone calls and emails Wash., D.C. seems to forget the most important U.S. Supreme Court decision declaring what was legal or else illegal acts of Wash., D.C. during the "Civil War" which ended in 1865. I refer to the U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1866 in Ex Parte Milligan; "The Constitution of the United States is a law for rulers and people, and covers with with the shield of its protection all classes of men, at all times,and under all circumstances. No doctrine involving more pernicious consequences was ever invented by the wit of man that any of its provisions can be suspended during any of the great emergencies of government." For our legal dummies in the U.S. Justice Dept.,NSA, C.I.A., F.B.I. which sometimes uses a very stretched version of what is allowed to cancel the U.S. Bill of Rights, and our claimed professor of law who calls himself President in the White House, citizens not serving in the military retain all their legal rights under the U.S. Constitution which includes the U.S. Bill of Rights and their legal rights cannot be suspended or ignored even during times of war. For our legal dummies in Wash., D.C., you cannot spy on the private records of American citizens according to the U.S. Bill of Rights without a court order each time you want to see their records they have not voluntarily consented to you to see otherwise. When you look at their phone records or listen to their private phone calls or look at their email records or read their emails without their consent, you have to have a court order first before legally you can do this under the U.S. Bill of Rights.You do not use terrorist threats as the basis for the suspension of the U.S. Bill of Rights for all citizens of America in the name of "national threat," etc. That is the same trick tactic used by Adolf Hitler to suspend all the legal rights of Jews and other targeted groups in Nazi Germany and Stalin used to suspend all the legal rights of declared "enemies" of the Soviet Union Communist government. If you disagreed with the Communist dictatorship over Russia, then you were automatically "an enemy of the state."
      As for the claimed neutrality of NSA, CIA, White House, etc. and they respect our legal rights while spying on all of us in America with every phone call we make in America and every email we make in America, I consider that legal hot air and legal double talk. I had from June 1, 2013 through June 19, 2013 sent email reports to one of the richest men in America per his request and NSA trickery or else CIA trickery, he got none of the email reports sent to him when my computer by NSA electronics was tricked into thinking these email reports were delivered to him when they were not. This rich man was burned that Wash., D.C. would pull such dirty trick operations against him. He had twice talked to me that he was considering backing me with $10 million to $100 million. I would have used this to back the Omni Law Drive in America and setting up the Vatican endorsed trade secret food industry that once established in America might become the biggest world industry set up in America in our national history. Obama does not want this for America along with the potential of millions of jobs it might create in America and enormous new national wealth for America as a nation. This rich man and I have alternate ways to make sure that he gets any reports from me that he wants now, but to test to see if Wash., D.C. meaning Obama in the White House would dare try to do these dirty trick operations against him and me any longer, I have sent more email reports now after we exposed these illegal dirty trick operations of Obama through his federal operatives carrying out his orders from the White House. My first report "Impeach Obama Now!" posted last week with Nesara News exposed these dirty trick operations by those working for Obama to put legal heat on them to stop these criminal acts and now! I am curious to see if Obama would dare have more dirty trick federal operations like this to continue being done after he got exposed in the impeachment report posted before the 29 million view blog of Nesara News last week. I did get word which amazed me as to their federal nerve. One woman was using a shared phone line we both use and for one hour she kept getting busy signals this last Saturday trying to call a best friend of hers. Her best friend kept trying to call her at the same time of day and also got busy signals every time she tried to call this woman. This woman asked me after both of them later confirmed that they were not talking with anyone else then and each got busy signals for the other's phone when trying to call either one from their phones."Is this phone tapped?" More NSA or CIA dirty trick operations but by mistake pulled on two women in SC who just wanted to social gossip with one another. Obama is playing with legal fire as this type dirty trick operations means that Obama, NSA, etc. are lying like hell that they are only recording records and not listening in or interfering with phone calls or emails of ordinary American citizens at this time.
      One dirty trick I especially did not appreciate from federal operatives for Obama. I carefully prepared a statement in my report "Impeach Obama Now!" report of last week. I clearly stated that the Colonial Office for the British Government recently posted as public records over the internet birth records for Kenya while under British rule. It clearly showed that Obama was born in Kenya, not America. So NSA or CIA personnel probably hit me while I took a lunch break and scrambled this statement while I was gone on a lunch break and they saw what every word was I was putting into this report to be posted later that day with Nesara News. I may once in a while make a small typing error, but I don't write an entire lengthy sentence with everything scrambled and nothing makes sense. Don't forget that NSA technology automatically can read every email as you write it if they want to. You have no privacy nor legal respect for your private legal records under their apparent national policy applied to all citizens of America. This just reaffirms my legal charges raised in the first "Impeach Obama Now!" report posted worldwide last week. 
     Attach this second part of the report "Impeach Obama Now!" to the first main report and send to all members of the U.S. Congress calling for immediate impeachment of Obama from the White House who is not even an American citizen which Nesara News yesterday June 24, 2013 had the actual recording of Obama before running for the White House telling a number of Americans that he was born in Kenya, not Hawaii, and was not an American citizen then. This boy in the White House is the biggest political con artist in the entire political history of America. Legally kick him out of the White House as soon as possible. Send the original main report with this addition to it to all state senators and all state governors and all state attorney generals. As suppression of my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food process is so important to the survival of the human race on earth both American and in all other nations on earth, and Obama does not want the American people nor the other races and nations to have this great Vatican endorsed super health food for survival of their people on earth, Obama has by secret national policy committed himself to genocide against the citizens of all 50 states in America which all 50 states can criminally indict him for, and for worldwide national genocide policy against all other nations and races on earth, every nation on earth can ask for arrest warrants for Obama for planned extermination of their races and nations on earth and put him on trial before all nations on earth for trying to wipe out their nations and races on earth.
      Wash.,D.C. had better impeach and remove Obama from the White House fast as possible. Unconfirmed at this point but I have ugly information that Russia is planning to annihilate Wash., D.C. and maybe all of America this year in order to save the human race from the lunatic Obama as they see him crazy enough to get the world into a nuclear World War III and potential end of the human race on earth. Before this happens, it would be incredibly wise of Wash., D.C. to make me the national spokesman for America for talks with Russia to calm their leadership down so they won't judge any longer that they must annihilate even America in order to save the human race on earth from the lunatic Obama in the White House. Though minor in ancestry, I do descend from a minor branch of the royal line of Russia and the Russian people in a revival of ancient Russian values now strongly respect the Russian Orthodox Church again in Russia and they now respect the old royal line of Russia again. I can make peace between America and Russia. Obama is the provocation to world war, not the solution to prevent world war. Having spent eleven calendar years in military academies and a very heavy background in military intelligence, I am no fool in military matters and know far more than I publicly admit.It is my frank advice to the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Pentagon, don't be too confident of any war with Russia. Respect them and use me to create bridges of friendship between America and Russia. if Putin suddenly sees me acting as the spokesman for America, Russian intelligence has been watching closely what is happening in America and Putin will see no reason for nuclear war with America if I am the spokesman for America rather than Obama who is the king of fools to trust with such a mission now. Russia is ready to nuclear annihilate America at this point and has some surprises for America the Joint Chiefs of Staff don't apparently know about at this time. Sometimes it is wisdom to be cautious rather than rush in to where angels fear to tread. 
     I suggest the American people push this national report all over America. If Russia sees the American people back me, they will judge that America wishes to live in peace with Russia rather than a pending likely nuclear World War III as Obama is pushing America into as he is not the smart leader for America to have in the White House now. And Russian intelligence would read this as a sign that the fanatics are no longer running Wash., D.C. now if the federally stolen $525,000 from me was promptly returned to me. Until that $525,000 of federally stolen money is returned to me, Wash., D.C. is a criminal gangster government in the eyes of Putin and other leaders advised by Russian intelligence. Russian intelligence knows that I was going to use this $525,000 to reestablish my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food process in America and Wash., D.C. being dominated by gangster criminals as Russian intelligence evaluates it is why Obama was stonewalling so strongly that Wash.,. D.C. must not return to me the federally stolen $525,000 which was my money and federal operatives threatened to murder me if I tried to stop them from stealing this money. They did not realize it then, but they created a witness who can testify to Congress how I was threatened by federal operatives. I was not afraid of them, but burning mad and they did not realize it but I had no way to stop this federal theft of mine money is the only reason I was unable to stop them then.
      If Russia will call off its secret plans to annihilate America shortly, I am willing to share half of this world food industry based upon the Vatican endorsed with Russia. But in that case, we work as a unit together for the world market. Russia gets Asia and Middle East for her market. My Camelot Project gets the rest of the world as described in my Camelot report posted with Nesara News yesterday June 24, 2013. But if I set up an important section of this food industry with Russia, my food product from Russia is to carry the royal seal of the Czars of Russia on it and I still get the percentage of profits from the Russian side of the world food industry as I get from America. The Russian profits I get would help greatly build up the industrialization of Russia, expand Russian agriculture, and do much good in Russia and the rest of the world with the huge profits this would make for the national economy of Russia. Also, I require Russia to treat with total national security of Russia how the Vatican endorsed food process works the same as I require the Camelot Project proposed to be built in America would treat this as a  national security secret so important that I will not share this trade secret with Wash., D.C. which I consider too corrupt to trust such a trade secret with. As for Russia, we set up a Russian council which is a bit independent even of the government in Moscow to keep the trade secret totally secret even in Russia and independent of Russian politics. By keeping the trade secret to the industrial food process totally secret in Russia and America, both nations participate in great world trade and profits this represents for both nations. I refuse to trust legal systems by patent filings to represent the trade secrets involved, so this will be protected by extreme national security both nations as to a totally trade secret food process for the good of mankind across all nations on earth. 
     Get Obama out of the White House. He serves no further good use for America and is only a liability to the future and prosperity of America if allowed to stay in the White House. Pass this report all over America and lets establish a better future for America than Obama could have offered America. And by solving the economic problems of Russia also and giving Russia a great future that she could not have without my father's Vatican endorsed trade secret food process, Russia faces a bright new future and great prosperity that she could not face without this happening.
     I am the great peacemaker that is going to get World War III between Russia and America cancelled and peace and prosperity established for both nations because I came up with the solution that solved the major problems for both nations involved.
     As for Wash., D.C., stop the nonsense and get my Omni Law passed as soon as possible. This will show Russia that A  merica is going to have an honest national government and one that can live at peace with Russia in our world today. And the American people need the Omni Law passed and now. This will restore serious freedoms to the American people and establish the sound,smart base so America will now soon have a giant booming economy in America again and I predict greater economy than America has ever seen before!
      People back me! This heads off a pending World War III, sets America up for a coming booming national economy, and restores the freedoms that allows the American people to use their God-given talents to skyrocket America into a great new age of great prosperity and freedom for the people living in America.
      If you sense what is happening here, might be smart of ordinary Americans to fast get into my Omni Law Loan Program, the 15% Club, etc. offered on my national website. Obama will be bewildered and wonder what has happened to deny him the means to become the dictator which he had planned to become. Russian intelligence knows that Obama was planning to become dictator of America , so do I, and so do smart Americans who have been watching on national blogs the real truth what has been going on in America rather than the censored news media of America which has lost much credibility with the thinking part of America.
     Our national website is www.fastboomamericaneconomy.com   Our email is fastboomamericaneconomy.com@gmail.com   Our mailing address for orders by mail if not placed through our website is NIFI, P.O. Box 1465, Seneca, SC 29679 USA . Make any checks, etc. out to NIFI and tell us what the order is for.
As Jesus taught in the New Testament, "Blessed are the peacemakers on earth!" America was facing a pending nuclear World War III and now instead faces the strong chance of peace and prosperity for America, Russia, and the rest of the world. If we can learn to live together in peace now, then we have bought time for mankind to make this a civilized world to live in instead of a barbarian world to live in!

      Yours For God And Country, Erasmus of America (pen name for the national leader who corrupt Wash., D.C. could not silence nor suppress! Truth has a strength to it that lies and cons do not possess!)

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