Wednesday, June 19, 2013

One Christ World Debt Jubilee

One Christ World Debt Jubilee

[big snip]
When a baby is born the parents give it a name. The parents are the granter of a name, a title that will be used by the child in the future to earn a living. The parents happily fill out a Record of Live Birth which is carefully filed away forever by the government. Some government employee, innocent of the consequences of his act, signs a Birth Certificate and mails it to the parents. They even used to enclose a disclaimer that the Birth Certificate is not to be used for identification purposes. The Birth Certificate, signed and issued by a government employee, has the same name and spelling as the Record of Live Birth, but the difference is in the grantor of the formal, corporate title: The Government or, put simply, Caesar.
What is the first thing Caesar wants when the child grows up and wants a ‘Drivers licence’? The Birth Certificate. Innocent of the ongoing process, the young ‘adult’ goes on to get a ‘passport’, file taxes, incorporate a corporation and function as the Director and so on – all for the legal fiction, ‘dead name’ in business created by Caesar.
A fundamental Power of a living man or woman is “I am who I say I am”. To produce ‘Government identification’, is to prove that one is not conscious of one’s power as a living soul in that body and that one is unconscious about the spiritual power that vitalises the language that is being written and spoken.
What is it that a Swiss Banker asks of the earnest offshore corporation holder, before he gets the coveted offshore corporate bank account? It is, of course, the passport. The offshore bank holds fictitious money created by the formal legal fiction corporate government. The question is, can a bank licence granted by a different formal Caesar hold the fiction of another? WHOSE fictitious liability are you holding?
Led by their worship of Mammon, the ‘rich’ legal idiot or ‘infant’ - George Soros who ‘broke the Bank of England’ comes to mind – thought he was a God on Earth; where all he has done is remove dead legal fiction money from circulation, keeping price inflation low for the formal corporate Caesar and the common man. Recently George Soros confessed to the media that he has no idea how markets work26.
[much bigger snip to end]

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