Monday, June 10, 2013

The Cobra/Lady Dragon Deception

The Cobra/Lady Dragon Deception

by Former White Hat

This “entity” calling itself  “Cobra,” is, as I said before, full of shayte, pardon my Irish. It gave its first interview the other day and claims that the Plejarans have joined “the Resistance” and are going to step forward and make the mass arrests since the Pentagon generals have not, something Drake is now saying as well.

The Plejarans, nor any other friendly ETs, or EDs, or light beings, are not going to start arresting bankers and politicians and Luficerians. yes, they have arrested the likes of Astra and St Germaine but that is under galactic and universal law, for crimes on many planets against many beings.
The issue with the Cabal is something for 3D bound humanity to deal with on its own.
Cobra is Lady Dragon using a voice changer and claims to be a reincarnated Plejaran. This I can say for certain: Cobra/Lady Dragon is not one of the 250. What is most likely is that he/she/it is a Bafath/Gizeh Intelligence, as this is the sort of psyops they engage in. Plus, no one refers to them as Pleiadeans anymore except the disinfo shills.
The Cobra has a Nazi connection…
And consider this: these people all have reptilian nicknames…Drake (Dracos) of the Royal Order of the Dragon…Cobra the snake and Lady Dragon who runs an online gambling business…gambling being an addictive matter that destroys people just as addictions to alcohol, heroin, and pornography does.
And gambling being one of the Cabal’s bigger money makers.

This video that my counterpart posted, while employing animation as humor, speaks of how the Cabal and evil entities fool people as being “The Galactic Federation of Light” the way Ashtar was luring people in, the way Duncan O’Finioan and Sarah Stanga and Stewrt Swerdlow lure people in with false hope, lies and bullshit, to snag them in a web of deceit as an offering to the Dark Overlords of Bullshit.


Anonymous said...

So everyone knows, this was from 2012

Anonymous said...


Jay W said...

You want to talk about shayte , this article and it's author would be a good example............

Anonymous said...

yes, and it's funny that it's re-surfacing again now, when the cabal is in dire straits of desperation. coincidence ?

Anonymous said...

What a pathetic attempt to discredit Cobra. The illuminati have never been in worse position if they engage amateurs to write posts like this one. Fortunatelly, we will not have to put up with them much longer. They are finished!

As for this blog, there is lot of garbage here lately.

Anonymous said...

this is total BS. Lady Dragon is a friend of mine and many have met Cobra at his conferences. There is absolutely no similarity between the two other than they speak by telephone occasionally. Sometimes I get curious about certain articles as to where they are crap but this one I don't have to wonder about because I KNOW IT"S CRAP. Who writes this CRAP? Someone who needs a job, that's for sure. What a loser! Do your homework before you write.

Anonymous said...

All the people who have attended "Cobra's" conferences state that He is a HE and travels with his wife/partner Isis. Cobra is most likely a guy who calls himself Ishtar Antares. He is from Slovenia apparently.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This article actually resonates with me though I am reluctant to believe it. One thing that can be said is that if "3d humanity" can get this done then more power to us. It really shouldn't be any other way if you think about it. To have some off world "saviors" swoop in and fix everything for us? Eh, sounds great. What sounds even better is true heroic human BEings getting shit done. So in a nutshell you have liberation by aliens, and on the other you have revolution by patriots. You tell me which sounds better?

Anonymous said...

What bullshit. Don't talk badly of them or St. Germaine! Bush sucking pricks

Anonymous said...

Every human should deal with the cabal. Expose the truth about their agenda and let them know that their history of lies, scams and fraud suck. Get out of and don't use their systems. Be a revolutionary by focusing on systems and technology that works for a free humanity. The time is now and no more waiting for any info or propaganda to mature or an event to manifest maybe one day. Innocent children, women and men are suffering and dying all over the planet. How odd that this is never mentioned by prominent new age groups. Let us save lives and get this planet and its reality to work the way it ought to. That time is now. Be the ultimate we can.

Anonymous said...

in desperate times the cabal seems to be taking desperate measures...lmao...unbelievable to finally see the shoe on the other foot...

Watchful said...

I myself have always thought This Former White Hat as dark cabal himself. I agree!